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Olivier Ligny - - 12/03/2008 - vue 74588 fois

AES 256 bits encrypter/decrypter - Java source code

Here is a class to encrypt/decrypt data using 256 bits AES encryption algorithm (aka Rijndael).

EDIT : you should really download the updated and revised Java source code and class file here (ZIP file) ! It does include the Util class and is ready to use. Check the main() method for example usage.

Usage :

String cryptKey = "aPb4x9q0H4W8rPs7";
String data = "hello world      ";
aes = new AES();
data = aes.Encrypt(data);
data = aes.Decrypt(data);
key : String, 16 bytes (or 24 or 32)
data : String, with length = multiple of 16 : you must add spaces at the end of your data string to obtain a *16 length

If you have byte arrays instead of strings, you can also use the following methods :

public byte[] encrypt(byte[] plain)
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] crypted)

--- ---

import java.util.*;

/** AES - implementation of the AES block cipher in Java.
 *  <p> Illustrative code for the AES block cipher (Rijndael).
 *  Handles a single block encryption or decryption, with diagnostic
 *  logging of intermediate values if required.
 *  <p> AES is a block cipher with a key length of 16/24/32 bytes
 *  and a block length 16 bytes.
 *  <p>
 *  AES (Rijndael) was designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen,
 *  and was accepted as the US NIST's Advanced Encryption Standard in 2000.
 *  <p>
 *  This is the <b>slow, obvious code</b> version, written to follow the
 *  algorithm specification as closely and clearly as possible.
 *  It's code was originally derived from the illustrative Rijndael Java
 *  implementation submitted to the AES process, and sourced from the
 *  <a href="">
 *  Rijndael sample Java code</a>, but has been extensively adapted by Lawrie Brown
 *  to suit the illustrative requirements of the crypto calc applets
 *  he has written for his Cryptography courses at ADFA.
 *  The code has been tested using the AES triples published in FIPS-197 App C.
 *  @author Joan Daemen, Vincent Rijmen, Lawrie Brown, Feb 2005
 *  @see <a href="">Lawrie Brown</a>
 *  @see <a href="">AES home page</a>
 *  @see <a href="">FIPS-197 Standard</a>
 *  @see <a href="">Rijndael Home Page</a>
 *  @see <a href="">Rijndael example Java code</a>
class AES {

    /** specify whether diagnostic trace output is required.
     *  <p>
     *  Available levels are:<br>
     *  0: no trace info is generated<br>
     *  1: trace major calls with params (setKey, encrypt, decrypt)<br>
     *  2: + trace round values whilst en/decrypting<br>
     *  3: + trace all steps within each round<br>
     *  4: + trace subkey generation<br>
     *  5: + trace static table values<br>
    public int traceLevel = 0;

    /** string which accumulates diagnostic output for display.
     *  <p>
     *  Contents are reset on each major call (setKey, encrypt, decrypt)
     *  and should be used after each of these calls returns for display.
    public String traceInfo = "";

    /** AES constants and variables. */
    public static final int
        ROUNDS = 14,        // AES has 10-14 rounds
        BLOCK_SIZE = 16,    // AES uses 128-bit (16 byte) key
        KEY_LENGTH = 32;    // AES uses 128/192/256-bit (16/24/32 byte) key

    // Define key attributes for current AES instance
    /** number of rounds used given AES key set on this instance. */
    int numRounds;
    /** encryption round keys derived from AES key set on this instance. */
    byte[][] Ke;
    /** decryption round keys derived from AES key set on this instance. */
    byte[][] Kd;

    /** AES encryption S-box.
     *  <p>See FIPS-197 section 5.1.1 or Stallings section 5.2.
     *  Note that hex values have been converted to decimal for easy table
     *  specification in Java.
    static final byte[] S = {
    99, 124, 119, 123, -14, 107, 111, -59, 48, 1, 103, 43, -2, -41, -85, 118,
    -54, -126, -55, 125, -6, 89, 71, -16, -83, -44, -94, -81, -100, -92, 114, -64,
    -73, -3, -109, 38, 54, 63, -9, -52, 52, -91, -27, -15, 113, -40, 49, 21,
    4, -57, 35, -61, 24, -106, 5, -102, 7, 18, -128, -30, -21, 39, -78, 117,
    9, -125, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, -96, 82, 59, -42, -77, 41, -29, 47, -124,
    83, -47, 0, -19, 32, -4, -79, 91, 106, -53, -66, 57, 74, 76, 88, -49,
    -48, -17, -86, -5, 67, 77, 51, -123, 69, -7, 2, 127, 80, 60, -97, -88,
    81, -93, 64, -113, -110, -99, 56, -11, -68, -74, -38, 33, 16, -1, -13, -46,
    -51, 12, 19, -20, 95, -105, 68, 23, -60, -89, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115,
    96, -127, 79, -36, 34, 42, -112, -120, 70, -18, -72, 20, -34, 94, 11, -37,
    -32, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, -62, -45, -84, 98, -111, -107, -28, 121,
    -25, -56, 55, 109, -115, -43, 78, -87, 108, 86, -12, -22, 101, 122, -82, 8,
    -70, 120, 37, 46, 28, -90, -76, -58, -24, -35, 116, 31, 75, -67, -117, -118,
    112, 62, -75, 102, 72, 3, -10, 14, 97, 53, 87, -71, -122, -63, 29, -98,
    -31, -8, -104, 17, 105, -39, -114, -108, -101, 30, -121, -23, -50, 85, 40, -33,
    -116, -95, -119, 13, -65, -26, 66, 104, 65, -103, 45, 15, -80, 84, -69, 22 };

    /** AES decryption S-box.
     *  <p>See FIPS-197 section 5.1.1 or Stallings section 5.2.
     *  Note that hex values have been converted to decimal for easy table
     *  specification in Java.
    static final byte[] Si = {
    82, 9, 106, -43, 48, 54, -91, 56, -65, 64, -93, -98, -127, -13, -41, -5,
    124, -29, 57, -126, -101, 47, -1, -121, 52, -114, 67, 68, -60, -34, -23, -53,
    84, 123, -108, 50, -90, -62, 35, 61, -18, 76, -107, 11, 66, -6, -61, 78,
    8, 46, -95, 102, 40, -39, 36, -78, 118, 91, -94, 73, 109, -117, -47, 37,
    114, -8, -10, 100, -122, 104, -104, 22, -44, -92, 92, -52, 93, 101, -74, -110,
    108, 112, 72, 80, -3, -19, -71, -38, 94, 21, 70, 87, -89, -115, -99, -124,
    -112, -40, -85, 0, -116, -68, -45, 10, -9, -28, 88, 5, -72, -77, 69, 6,
    -48, 44, 30, -113, -54, 63, 15, 2, -63, -81, -67, 3, 1, 19, -118, 107,
    58, -111, 17, 65, 79, 103, -36, -22, -105, -14, -49, -50, -16, -76, -26, 115,
    -106, -84, 116, 34, -25, -83, 53, -123, -30, -7, 55, -24, 28, 117, -33, 110,
    71, -15, 26, 113, 29, 41, -59, -119, 111, -73, 98, 14, -86, 24, -66, 27,
    -4, 86, 62, 75, -58, -46, 121, 32, -102, -37, -64, -2, 120, -51, 90, -12,
    31, -35, -88, 51, -120, 7, -57, 49, -79, 18, 16, 89, 39, -128, -20, 95,
    96, 81, 127, -87, 25, -75, 74, 13, 45, -27, 122, -97, -109, -55, -100, -17,
    -96, -32, 59, 77, -82, 42, -11, -80, -56, -21, -69, 60, -125, 83, -103, 97,
    23, 43, 4, 126, -70, 119, -42, 38, -31, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125 };

    /** AES key schedule round constant table.
     *  <p>See FIPS-197 section 5.1.1 or Stallings section 5.2.
     *  Note that hex values have been converted to decimal for easy table
     *  specification in Java, and that indexes start at 1, hence initial 0 entry.
    static final byte[] rcon = {
    1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
    64, -128, 27, 54, 108, -40,
    -85, 77, -102, 47, 94, -68,
    99, -58, -105, 53, 106, -44,
    -77, 125, -6, -17, -59, -111 };

    /** Internal AES constants and variables. */
    public static final int
        COL_SIZE = 4,                // depth of each column in AES state variable
        NUM_COLS = BLOCK_SIZE / COL_SIZE,    // number of columns in AES state variable
        ROOT = 0x11B;                // generator polynomial used in GF(2^8)

    /** define ShiftRows transformation as shift amount for each row in state. */
    static final int[] row_shift = {0, 1, 2, 3};

    /* alog table for field GF(2^m) used to speed up multiplications. */
    static final int[] alog = new int[256];
    /* log table for field GF(2^m) used to speed up multiplications. */
    static final int[] log =  new int[256];

    /** static code to initialise the log and alog tables.
     *  Used to implement multiplication in GF(2^8).
    static {
        int i, j;
        // produce log and alog tables, needed for multiplying in the field GF(2^8)
        alog[0] = 1;
        for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
            j = (alog[i-1] << 1) ^ alog[i-1];
            if ((j & 0x100) != 0) j ^= ROOT;
            alog[i] = j;
        for (i = 1; i < 255; i++) log[alog[i]] = i;

    /** Construct AES object. */
    public AES() {

    /** return number of rounds for a given AES key size.
     * @param keySize    size of the user key material in bytes.
     * @return        number of rounds for a given AES key size.
    public static int getRounds (int keySize) {
        switch (keySize) {
          case 16:    // 16 byte = 128 bit key
            return 10;
          case 24:    // 24 byte = 192 bit key
            return 12;
          default:    // 32 byte = 256 bit key
            return 14;

    /** multiply two elements of GF(2^8).
     *  <p>Using pre-computed log and alog tables for speed.
     *  @param a 1st value to multiply
     *  @param b 2nd value to multiply
     *  @return product of a * b module its generator polynomial
    static final int mul (int a, int b) {
        return (a != 0 && b != 0) ?
            alog[(log[a & 0xFF] + log[b & 0xFF]) % 255] :

    /** diagnostic trace of static tables. */
    public static void trace_static() {
    int i,j;
    System.out.print("AES Static Tablesn");
        System.out.print("S[] = n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { for(j=0;j<16;j++) System.out.print(Util.toHEX1(S[i*16+j])+", "); System.out.println();}
        System.out.print("Si[] = n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { for(j=0;j<16;j++) System.out.print(Util.toHEX1(Si[i*16+j])+", "); System.out.println();}
    System.out.print("rcon[] = n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) {for(j=0;j<6;j++) System.out.print(Util.toHEX1(rcon[i*6+j])+", "); System.out.println();}
    System.out.print("log[] = n"); for(i=0;i<32;i++) {for(j=0;j<8;j++) System.out.print(Util.toHEX1(log[i*8+j])+", "); System.out.println();}
    System.out.print("alog[] = n"); for(i=0;i<32;i++) {for(j=0;j<8;j++) System.out.print(Util.toHEX1(alog[i*8+j])+", "); System.out.println();}

     * AES encrypt 128-bit plaintext using key previously set.
     * <p>Follows cipher specification given in FIPS-197 section 5.1
     * See pseudo code in Fig 5, and details in this section.
     * @param plain the 128-bit plaintext value to encrypt.
     * @return the encrypted 128-bit ciphertext value.
    public byte[] encrypt(byte[] plain) {
    // define working variables
    byte [] a = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];    // AES state variable
    byte [] ta = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];    // AES temp state variable
    byte [] Ker;                // encrypt keys for current round
    int    i, j, k, row, col;

    traceInfo = "";                // reset trace info
    if (traceLevel > 0) traceInfo = "encryptAES(" + Util.toHEX1(plain) + ")";

    // check for bad arguments
        if (plain == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty plaintext");
        if (plain.length != BLOCK_SIZE)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect plaintext length");

        // copy plaintext bytes into state and do initial AddRoundKey(state)
        Ker = Ke[0];
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    a[i] = (byte)(plain[i] ^ Ker[i]);
    if (traceLevel > 2)
        traceInfo += "n  R0 (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Ker)+")ntAK = "+Util.toHEX1(a);
    else if (traceLevel > 1)
        traceInfo += "n  R0 (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Ker)+")t = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

    // for each round except last, apply round transforms
        for (int r = 1; r < numRounds; r++) {
            Ker = Ke[r];            // get session keys for this round
        if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += "n  R"+r+" (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Ker)+")t";

            // SubBytes(state) into ta using S-Box S
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) ta[i] = S[a[i] & 0xFF];
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntSB = "+Util.toHEX1(ta);

            // ShiftRows(state) into a
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
        row = i % COL_SIZE;
        k = (i + (row_shift[row] * COL_SIZE)) % BLOCK_SIZE;    // get shifted byte index
            a[i] = ta[k];
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntSR = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

            // MixColumns(state) into ta
        //   implemented by expanding matrix mult for each column
        //   see FIPS-197 section 5.1.3
        for (col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++) {
            i = col * COL_SIZE;        // start index for this col
        ta[i]   = (byte)(mul(2,a[i]) ^ mul(3,a[i+1]) ^ a[i+2] ^ a[i+3]);
        ta[i+1] = (byte)(a[i] ^ mul(2,a[i+1]) ^ mul(3,a[i+2]) ^ a[i+3]);
        ta[i+2] = (byte)(a[i] ^ a[i+1] ^ mul(2,a[i+2]) ^ mul(3,a[i+3]));
        ta[i+3] = (byte)(mul(3,a[i]) ^ a[i+1] ^ a[i+2] ^ mul(2,a[i+3]));
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntMC = "+Util.toHEX1(ta);

        // AddRoundKey(state) into a
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    a[i] = (byte)(ta[i] ^ Ker[i]);
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntAK";
        if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

        // last round is special - only has SubBytes, ShiftRows and AddRoundKey
        Ker = Ke[numRounds];            // get session keys for final round
    if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += "n  R"+numRounds+" (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Ker)+")t";

        // SubBytes(state) into a using S-Box S
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) a[i] = S[a[i] & 0xFF];
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntSB = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

        // ShiftRows(state) into ta
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
        row = i % COL_SIZE;
        k = (i + (row_shift[row] * COL_SIZE)) % BLOCK_SIZE;    // get shifted byte index
        ta[i] = a[k];
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntSR = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

    // AddRoundKey(state) into a
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    a[i] = (byte)(ta[i] ^ Ker[i]);
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntAK";
    if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a)+"n";
    if (traceLevel > 0)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a)+"n";
    return (a);

     * AES decrypt 128-bit ciphertext using key previously set.
     * <p>Follows cipher specification given in FIPS-197 section 5.3
     * See pseudo code in Fig 5, and details in this section.
     * @param cipher the 128-bit ciphertext value to decrypt.
     * @return the decrypted 128-bit plaintext value.
    public byte[] decrypt(byte[] cipher) {
    // define working variables
    byte [] a = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];    // AES state variable
    byte [] ta = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];    // AES temp state variable
    byte [] Kdr;                // encrypt keys for current round
    int    i, j, k, row, col;

    traceInfo = "";                // reset trace info
    if (traceLevel > 0) traceInfo = "decryptAES(" + Util.toHEX1(cipher) + ")";

    // check for bad arguments
        if (cipher == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty ciphertext");
        if (cipher.length != BLOCK_SIZE)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect ciphertext length");

        // copy ciphertext bytes into state and do initial AddRoundKey(state)
        Kdr = Kd[0];
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    a[i] = (byte)(cipher[i] ^ Kdr[i]);
    if (traceLevel > 2)
        traceInfo += "n  R0 (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Kdr)+")nt AK = "+Util.toHEX1(a);
    else if (traceLevel > 1)
        traceInfo += "n  R0 (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Kdr)+")t = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

    // for each round except last, apply round transforms
        for (int r = 1; r < numRounds; r++) {
            Kdr = Kd[r];            // get session keys for this round
        if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += "n  R"+r+" (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Kdr)+")t";

            // InvShiftRows(state) into ta (nb. same shift as encrypt but subtract)
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
        row = i % COL_SIZE;
        // get shifted byte index
        k = (i + BLOCK_SIZE - (row_shift[row] * COL_SIZE)) % BLOCK_SIZE;
            ta[i] = a[k];
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntISR = "+Util.toHEX1(ta);

            // InvSubBytes(state) into a using inverse S-box Si
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) a[i] = Si[ta[i] & 0xFF];
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntISB = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

        // AddRoundKey(state) into ta
        for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    ta[i] = (byte)(a[i] ^ Kdr[i]);
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "nt AK = "+Util.toHEX1(ta);

            // InvMixColumns(state) into a
        //   implemented by expanding matrix mult for each column
        //   see FIPS-197 section 5.3.3
        for (col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++) {
            i = col * COL_SIZE;        // start index for this col
        a[i]   = (byte)(mul(0x0e,ta[i]) ^ mul(0x0b,ta[i+1]) ^ mul(0x0d,ta[i+2]) ^ mul(0x09,ta[i+3]));
        a[i+1] = (byte)(mul(0x09,ta[i]) ^ mul(0x0e,ta[i+1]) ^ mul(0x0b,ta[i+2]) ^ mul(0x0d,ta[i+3]));
        a[i+2] = (byte)(mul(0x0d,ta[i]) ^ mul(0x09,ta[i+1]) ^ mul(0x0e,ta[i+2]) ^ mul(0x0b,ta[i+3]));
        a[i+3] = (byte)(mul(0x0b,ta[i]) ^ mul(0x0d,ta[i+1]) ^ mul(0x09,ta[i+2]) ^ mul(0x0e,ta[i+3]));
        if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntIMC";
        if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

        // last round is special - only has InvShiftRows, InvSubBytes and AddRoundKey
        Kdr = Kd[numRounds];            // get session keys for final round
    if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += "n  R"+numRounds+" (Key = "+Util.toHEX1(Kdr)+")t";

        // InvShiftRows(state) into ta
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
        row = i % COL_SIZE;
        // get shifted byte index
        k = (i + BLOCK_SIZE - (row_shift[row] * COL_SIZE)) % BLOCK_SIZE;
        ta[i] = a[k];
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntISR = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

        // InvSubBytes(state) into ta using inverse S-box Si
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) ta[i] = Si[ta[i] & 0xFF];
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "ntISB = "+Util.toHEX1(a);

    // AddRoundKey(state) into a
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)    a[i] = (byte)(ta[i] ^ Kdr[i]);
    if (traceLevel > 2)    traceInfo += "nt AK";
    if (traceLevel > 1)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a)+"n";
    if (traceLevel > 0)    traceInfo += " = "+Util.toHEX1(a)+"n";
    return (a);

     * Expand a user-supplied key material into a session key.
     * <p>See FIPS-197 Section 5.3 Fig 11 for details of the key expansion.
     * <p>Session keys will be saved in Ke and Kd instance variables,
     * along with numRounds being the number of rounds for this sized key.
     * @param key        The 128/192/256-bit AES key to use.
    public void setKey(byte[] key) {
    // assorted internal constants
        final int BC = BLOCK_SIZE / 4;
    final int Klen = key.length;
        final int Nk = Klen / 4;

        int i, j, r;

    traceInfo = "";            // reset trace info
    if (traceLevel > 0) traceInfo = "setKey(" + Util.toHEX1(key) + ")n";

    // check for bad arguments
        if (key == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty key");
        if (!(key.length == 16 || key.length == 24 || key.length == 32))
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect key length");

    // set master number of rounds given size of this key
        numRounds = getRounds(Klen);
        final int ROUND_KEY_COUNT = (numRounds + 1) * BC;

    // allocate 4 arrays of bytes to hold the session key values
    // each array holds 1 of the 4 bytes [b0 b1 b2 b3] in each word w
        byte[] w0 = new byte[ROUND_KEY_COUNT];
        byte[] w1 = new byte[ROUND_KEY_COUNT];
        byte[] w2 = new byte[ROUND_KEY_COUNT];
        byte[] w3 = new byte[ROUND_KEY_COUNT];

    // allocate arrays to hold en/decrypt session keys (by byte rather than word)
        Ke = new byte[numRounds + 1][BLOCK_SIZE]; // encryption round keys
        Kd = new byte[numRounds + 1][BLOCK_SIZE]; // decryption round keys

        // copy key into start of session array (by word, each byte in own array)
        for (i=0, j=0; i < Nk; i++) {
        w0[i] = key[j++]; w1[i] = key[j++]; w2[i] = key[j++]; w3[i] = key[j++];

    // implement key expansion algorithm
    byte t0, t1, t2, t3, old0;        // temp byte values for each word
        for (i = Nk; i < ROUND_KEY_COUNT; i++) {
        t0 = w0[i-1]; t1 = w1[i-1]; t2 = w2[i-1]; t3 = w3[i-1];    // temp = w[i-1]
        if (i % Nk == 0) {
        // temp = SubWord(RotWord(temp)) ^ Rcon[i/Nk]
        old0 = t0;            // save old 1st byte value for t3 calc
                t0 = (byte)(S[t1 & 0xFF] ^ rcon[i/Nk]);    // nb. constant XOR 1st byte only
                t1 = (byte)(S[t2 & 0xFF]);
                t2 = (byte)(S[t3 & 0xFF]);    // nb. RotWord done by reordering bytes used
                t3 = (byte)(S[old0 & 0xFF]);
        else if ((Nk > 6) && (i % Nk == 4)) {
        // temp = SubWord(temp)
            t0 = S[t0 & 0xFF]; t1 = S[t1 & 0xFF]; t2 = S[t2 & 0xFF]; t3 = S[t3 & 0xFF];
        // w[i] = w[i-Nk] ^ temp
        w0[i] = (byte)(w0[i-Nk] ^ t0);
        w1[i] = (byte)(w1[i-Nk] ^ t1);
        w2[i] = (byte)(w2[i-Nk] ^ t2);
        w3[i] = (byte)(w3[i-Nk] ^ t3);

    // now copy values into en/decrypt session arrays by round & byte in round
        for (r = 0, i = 0; r < numRounds + 1; r++) {    // for each round
        for (j = 0; j < BC; j++) {        // for each word in round
                Ke[r][4*j] = w0[i];
                Ke[r][4*j+1] = w1[i];
                Ke[r][4*j+2] = w2[i];
                Ke[r][4*j+3] = w3[i];
                Kd[numRounds - r][4*j] = w0[i];
                Kd[numRounds - r][4*j+1] = w1[i];
                Kd[numRounds - r][4*j+2] = w2[i];
                Kd[numRounds - r][4*j+3] = w3[i];

    // create trace info if needed
    if (traceLevel > 3) {
        traceInfo += "  Encrypt Round keys:n";
            for(r=0;r<numRounds+1;r++) traceInfo += "  R"+r+"t = "+Util.toHEX1(Ke[r])+"n";
        traceInfo += "  Decrypt Round keys:n";
            for(r=0;r<numRounds+1;r++) traceInfo += "  R"+r+"t = "+Util.toHEX1(Kd[r])+"n";

    /** self-test routine for AES cipher
     *  @param hkey    key to test in hex
     *  @param hplain    plaintext to test in hex
     *  @param hcipher    ciphertext to test in hex
     *  @param lev    trace level to use
    public static void self_test (String hkey, String hplain, String hcipher, int lev) {

        // AES test triple (128-bit key test value from FIPS-197)
        byte [] key    = Util.hex2byte(hkey);
        byte [] plain    = Util.hex2byte(hplain);
        byte [] cipher    = Util.hex2byte(hcipher);
    byte [] result;

    AES testAES = new AES();    // create new AES instance to test triple
    testAES.traceLevel = lev;    // select level of trace info
    testAES.setKey(key);        // set key and display trace info

    result = testAES.encrypt(plain);    // test encryption
    if (Arrays.equals(result, cipher))
        System.out.print("Test OKn");
        System.out.print("Test Failed. Result was "+Util.toHEX(result)+"n");

    result = testAES.decrypt(cipher);    // test decryption
    if (Arrays.equals(result, plain))
        System.out.print("Test OKn");
        System.out.print("Test Failed. Result was "+Util.toHEX(result)+"n");

    public static String static_byteArrayToString(byte[] data) {
        String res = "";
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
            int n = (int) data[i];
            if(n<0) n += 256;
            sb.append((char) n);
        res = sb.toString();
        return res;
    public static byte[] static_stringToByteArray(String s){
        byte[] temp = new byte[s.length()];
        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
            temp[i] = (byte) s.charAt(i);
        return temp;

     public static String static_intArrayToString(int[]t){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for(int i=0;i<t.length;i++){
        return sb.toString();

    /** self-test routine for AES cipher
        @param args command line arguments
    public String _cryptAll(String data, int mode)  {
        AES aes = this;
        if(data.length()/16 > ((int) data.length()/16)) {
            int rest = data.length()-((int) data.length()/16)*16;
            for(int i=0; i<rest; i++)
                data += " ";
        int nParts = (int) data.length()/16;
        byte[] res = new byte[data.length()];
        String partStr = "";
        byte[] partByte = new byte[16];
        for(int p=0; p<nParts; p++) {
            partStr = data.substring(p*16, p*16+16);
            partByte = static_stringToByteArray(partStr);
            if(mode==1) partByte = aes.encrypt(partByte);
            if(mode==2) partByte = aes.decrypt(partByte);
            for(int b=0; b<16; b++)
                res[p*16+b] = partByte[b];
        return static_byteArrayToString(res);
    public String Encrypt(String data) {
        return _cryptAll(data, 1);
    public String Decrypt(String data) {
        return _cryptAll(data, 2);
    public void setKey(String key) {
        //System.out.println("CRYPT KEY IS "+key);

    public static void main (String[] args) {

firdaus - - 20/01/2009
have you applet java aes ? because i want to learn email encrypt with AES with java
meta - 31/01/2009
peut -tu me faire passer la classe contenant les methode statique toHEX, toHEX1..
massimo scocco - - 27/02/2009
where is class Util?
Olivier Ligny - - 27/02/2009
Here is Util class source code which is needed for AES class to work
Thanks to

 *   collection of utility routines for converting and displaying binary
 *   saved in byte/short/int arrays, and loaded/displayed using hex.
 *   @author Lawrie Brown, Oct 2001
class Util {

    // utility conversions between byte, short and int arrays

    public static byte[] short2byte (short[] sa) {
        int length = sa.length;
        byte[] ba = new byte[length * 2];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = sa[i++];
            ba[j++] = (byte)((k >>> 8) & 0xFF);
            ba[j++] = (byte)( k        & 0xFF);
        return (ba);

    public static short[] byte2short (byte[] ba) {
        int length = ba.length;
        short[] sa = new short[length / 2];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < length / 2; ) {
            sa[j++] = (short)(((ba[i++] & 0xFF) <<  8) |
	               ((ba[i++] & 0xFF)      ));
        return (sa);

    public static byte[] int2byte (int[] ia) {
        int length = ia.length;
        byte[] ba = new byte[length * 4];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ia[i++];
            ba[j++] = (byte)((k >>>24) & 0xFF);
            ba[j++] = (byte)((k >>>16) & 0xFF);
            ba[j++] = (byte)((k >>> 8) & 0xFF);
            ba[j++] = (byte)( k        & 0xFF);
        return (ba);

    public static int[] byte2int (byte[] ba) {
        int length = ba.length;
        int[] ia = new int[length / 4];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < length / 4; ) {
            ia[j++] = (((ba[i++] & 0xFF) << 24) |
	               ((ba[i++] & 0xFF) << 16) |
	               ((ba[i++] & 0xFF) <<  8) |
	               ((ba[i++] & 0xFF)      ));
        return (ia);
    // utility methods (adapted from cryptix.util.core.Hex class)

    /** array mapping hex value (0-15) to corresponding hex digit (0-9a-f). */
    public static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = {

     * utility method to convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each byte of the input array is converted to 2 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping, with spaces after each pair.
     * @param ba array of bytes to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of byte array     
    public static String toHEX (byte[] ba) {
        int length = ba.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 3];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ba[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
	    buf[j++] = ' ';
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert a short array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each word of the input array is converted to 4 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping, with spaces after every 4.
     * @param ia array of shorts to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of short array     
    public static String toHEX (short[] ia) {
        int length = ia.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 5];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ia[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>12) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 8) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
	    buf[j++] = ' ';
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert an int array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each word of the input array is converted to 8 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping, with spaces after every 4.
     * @param ia array of ints to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of int array     
    public static String toHEX (int[] ia) {
        int length = ia.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 10];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ia[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>28) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>24) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>20) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>16) & 0x0F];
	    buf[j++] = ' ';
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>12) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 8) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
	    buf[j++] = ' ';
        return new String(buf);
     * utility method to convert a byte to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * the byte is converted to 2 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping.
     * @param b byte to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of byte
    public static String toHEX1 (byte b) {
        char[] buf = new char[2];
	int j = 0;
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(b >>> 4) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ b        & 0x0F];
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each byte of the input array is converted to 2 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping.
     * @param ba array of bytes to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of byte array     
    public static String toHEX1 (byte[] ba) {
        int length = ba.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 2];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ba[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert a short array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each word of the input array is converted to 4 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping.
     * @param ia array of shorts to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of short array     
    public static String toHEX1 (short[] ia) {
        int length = ia.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 4];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ia[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>12) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 8) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert an int to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * the int is converted to 8 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping.
     * @param i int to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of int
    public static String toHEX1 (int i) {
        char[] buf = new char[8];
	int j = 0;
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>>28) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>>24) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>>20) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>>16) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>>12) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>> 8) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(i >>> 4) & 0x0F];
        buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ i        & 0x0F];
        return new String(buf);

     * utility method to convert an int array to a hexadecimal string.
     * <p>
     * Each word of the input array is converted to 8 hex symbols,
     * using the HEX_DIGITS array for the mapping.
     * @param ia array of ints to be converted into hex
     * @return hex representation of int array     
    public static String toHEX1 (int[] ia) {
        int length = ia.length;
        char[] buf = new char[length * 8];
        for (int i = 0, j = 0, k; i < length; ) {
            k = ia[i++];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>28) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>24) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>20) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>16) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>>12) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 8) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];
            buf[j++] = HEX_DIGITS[ k        & 0x0F];
        return new String(buf);

     * Returns a byte array from a string of hexadecimal digits.
     * @param hex string of hex characters
     * @return byte array of binary data corresponding to hex string input
    public static byte[] hex2byte(String hex) {
        int len = hex.length();
        byte[] buf = new byte[((len + 1) / 2)];

        int i = 0, j = 0;
        if ((len % 2) == 1)
            buf[j++] = (byte) hexDigit(hex.charAt(i++));

        while (i < len) {
            buf[j++] = (byte) ((hexDigit(hex.charAt(i++)) << 4) |
        return buf;

     * Returns true if the string consists ONLY of valid hex characters
     * @param hex string of hex characters
     * @return true if a valid hex string
    public static boolean isHex(String hex) {
        int len = hex.length();
	int i = 0;
	char ch;

	while (i < len) {
	     ch = hex.charAt(i++);
	     if (! ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ||
	           (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f'))) return false;
	return true;

     * Returns the number from 0 to 15 corresponding to the hex digit <i>ch</i>.
     * @param ch hex digit character (must be 0-9A-Fa-f)
     * @return   numeric equivalent of hex digit (0-15)
    public static int hexDigit(char ch) {
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
            return ch - '0';
        if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
            return ch - 'A' + 10;
        if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
            return ch - 'a' + 10;

        return(0);	// any other char is treated as 0


prakash - - 13/04/2011
Mikel - 13/01/2012
Hello, someone has try this code? i try to encrypt and the output between this and another encrypter AES are different. Sorry for bad english.
Olivier - - 13/01/2012
Be aware of two things :
- Java strings are UTF-16 (2 bytes), converted to single-byte for processing the encryption, the second byte is discarded. So you can first convert to Base64 before encryption if you have some UTF characters in your data.
- the salt could be different in the algorithm, maybe you have to use the same class to encode and decode, I never tried with another tool.
vik - 19/06/2012
Why is the public static void main is empty?
Vincent Fontaine - - 24/09/2012
Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you very much, this is greatly appreciated that it is out for free too!
nami - 25/04/2013
thank you very much for this code it works perfectly. I m very new to cryptography coding but I need to retrieve the public and the private keys each one at the time so as to store one at the client side and one at the server side. How can I retrieve those based on our code? Thank you veeery much in advance :)
Pratik - 01/06/2013
Thank u for the code. I am doing a project in which i need to encrypt data using aes in jsp and decrypt using javascript. Can you give decryption part for the above code in javascript....??
Dan - 16/07/2013
Great code but I'm getting exceptions for aes in the usage code.
Dan - 16/07/2013
How would I use this code to encrypt a .txt file?
Jesus - - 01/08/2013
Thank great code.. I served a lot of your explanation of code
franksunjin - 18/09/2013
there is a bug in _cryptAll()

the code should be
int rest = data.length()-((int) data.length()/16)*16;
if(rest>0&mode==1) {
//int rest = data.length()-((int) data.length()/16)*16;
for(int i=0; i<16-rest; i++)
data =data+" ";
Ealse de Wilde - - 20/11/2013
I've compared the outcome of your code with standard JCE (with unrestricted JDK) using AES-256 and AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, but both results differs considerably.
How could that be?
varun reddy - - 05/03/2014
Thanks a lot for such a wonderful and nicely arranged article and code. But i facing some problem here could you please help me out.
When i display the encrypted string the displayed output is some weird characters.
Olivier - 06/03/2014
Maybe your encrypted string is just a binary string, not text. Encode it as BASE64 or HEX to make it nicer if you like.
kombil - - 03/04/2014
how do I call the encrypted code and descriptive string when a inputan.
benny - - 09/09/2014
How do I display every process algorithm AES 128.
such AddRoundKey process, process ShiftRows
how many times the key processes,
until the end of the encryption and decryption.
Please share me.
b - 14/03/2024
' or 1=1; --

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